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We do not provide services or sell products to children. If you are below the age of 18, you may use our website only with the permission and active involvement of a parent or legal guardian. If you are a minor, please do not provide us or other website visitors with any personal information.


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Our privacy policy is part of, and subject to, these terms and conditions of use. You may view our privacy policy here: https://ezprojectdesigner.com/privacy


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Content Ownership

All content on our website (EZwoodprojectdesigner) is owned by Grassland Publishing and EZwoodshop.com, which claims all property rights, including intellectual property rights, for this content and you are not allowed to infringe upon those rights. We will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone who attempts to steal our property.


Visitors agree not to copy content from our website without our permission. Any requests to use our content (affiliates) should be submitted to us by e-mail to https://ezprojectdesigner.com/contact.html


Limitations of Liability

Although the methods I demonstrate are considered safe practice in the woodworking industry, the responsibility for working safely rests solely on your shoulders. As a result, the publishers ezwoodshop.com and Grassland Publishing assume no responsibility for damages, injuries suffered, or losses incurred as a result of following the information that is presented on ezprojectdesigner.com.


Remember that power tools can be especially dangerous. Spend time with your owner’s manual to learn how a tool operates, the safety features included with that tool, and any other information the tool manufacturer thinks you should know before using that tool. This book is intended to supplement the owner’s manual, not replace it.


Also, it’s your responsibility to protect yourself against potential health hazards in the shop. That means using protective eye wear (safety glasses, goggles), ear protection (plugs, earmuffs), and dust control products (respiratory masks and dust filters). Also, if fatigue, stress, or other physical problems are affecting your best judgment, stop working and return to the shop on another day. Don’t let impatience and carelessness ruin the fun!